Degenaar in Dialogue: An Essay in Four Parts Part Three: Dialogue as a Philosophical Art
Part Three: Dialogue as a Philosophical Art.
From the beginning of his academic career, and probably even before that, Degenaar was...
Degenaar in Dialogue: An Essay in Four Parts Part Two: Challenged to Conform
Invitation to a commemoration
In the early years of his appointment as a lecturer in philosophy at the University of Stellenbosch, Johan De
Degenaar in Dialogue: An Essay in Four Parts Part One: Apprentice Philosopher
The master burglar and his apprentice
There is an ancient Chinese story of a young man who approaches his father, a master burglar, and ask
Ways of Contradiction
1. Dialectic as the movement of contradiction
In dialectical thought, definitions are often a problem. Definitions imply that terms have a
Remembering Peter Hudson
I met Peter Hudson in 1986, at a conference at the University of Natal in Durban. We knew of each other by then, although we had not met...
Political Consciousness from Soweto to Marikana
Did Marikana change everything?
Since the day we first saw images of the police shooting down Marikana mineworkers in August 2012, it seemed
One Year after the Marikana Massacre
What happened at Marikana?
On 16 August 2012 a tactical response unit of the South African police shot and killed 34 striking workers...
Making Universities into Factories
Two histories of reflection on academic life
Performance review: It sounds like a good idea.[1] We can hardly imagine academic life...
The Double Lives of South African Marxism
The implosion of South African Marxism
In April 1986, Paul Sweezy and Harry Magdoff (1986a) introduced a special issue of...
Ancient Cultures and Modern States
In this talk I will not focus on the current, ongoing struggles of the Kurdish people and the current situation in the Middle East more...
Mediterranean Cosmopolitanism Revisited
The Mediterranean in Global Context
Once upon a time, the Mediterranean Sea was—as its name suggests—the centre of the world. It was..
Palestine Solidarity across Generations
In his report to the inaugural AGM of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (South Africa) on 20 October 2012, Martin Jansen said that active...
Solidarity with the Palestinian People
“Our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.”
—Nelson Mandela, International day of solidarity with the...
The Philosophers' Cold War
Peter Laslett’s 1956 introduction to a collection of essays on Philosophy, Politics and Society begins by reflecting on the contemporary...
Zen Communist
“Not such a contradiction as all that”
Around the time that Breyten Breytenbach became active in revolutionary politics, he also...
‘n Ander Wêreld Is Moontlik
Resensie van Breytenbach se Notes from the Middle World In Oktober 1997 het Breyten Breytenbach ‘n merkwaardige lesing ter ere van die...
Dialogue Alone
Dialogue Alone: D. C. S. Oosthuizen’s Engagement with Three Philosophical Generations
The legacy of D. C. S. Oosthuizen is best...
Gandhi in South Africa
It is surely something of a paradox to begin a series of seminars on “Lives of South African Philosophers” by discussing a historical...
Third Worldism
Third Worldism and Internationalism
The theory and practice of socialist internationalism has gone through several transmutations since...
The New Politics of Afrikaans
Wat Verby Is, Is Verby: Afrikaners and Reconciliation
One of the main themes of Nelson Mandela’s presidency was that of reconciliation...
Contradictions of the New South Africa
Those of us whose memories go back to the insurrectionary years of the mid-1980s—when millions of oppressed people were drawn into...
How Revolutionary Consciousness Develops
In commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of Trotsky—that is, in coming together from our varying backgrounds of...
UWC: From ‘Intellectual Home of the Left’ to ‘Preparing to Govern’
‘Intellectual Home of the Left' Universities change constantly, but they do so slowly and haphazardly.[1] It seldom happens that a...
Leninism and Democracy
The question of Leninism and democracy has been placed on the agenda today [in 1990] by events in Eastern Europe. The idea that Leninism...